Package-level declarations


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class NavigationError(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : Throwable
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data class NavigationOptions(val itineraryOptions: ItineraryOptions = ItineraryOptions(), val cameraMode: Int? = null, val zoomWhileTracking: Double? = null, val renderMode: Int? = null, val stopOptions: NavigationOptions.StopOptions = StopOptions(), val userPositionThreshold: Float = 25.0f, @IntRange(from = 5, to = 9223372036854775807) val navigationRecalculationTimeInterval: Long = 5)

A data class containing information about the navigation options


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fun NavigationManagerListener(onInfoChanged: (info: NavigationInfo) -> Unit, onStarted: (itinerary: Itinerary) -> Unit? = null, onStopped: (itinerary: Itinerary) -> Unit? = null, onArrived: (itinerary: Itinerary) -> Unit? = null, onFailed: (error: Throwable) -> Unit? = null, onRecalculated: (itinerary: Itinerary) -> Unit? = null): NavigationManagerListener