wemap_sdk_flutter library
- Building
- the map's Building
- Category
- it refers to the common thing between all tags
- Coordinate
- Itinerary
- Leg
- Level
- the level of the map's Building
- LevelChange
- MapData
- the map data
- MapManager
- The MapManager gives the ability to control and to interact with the map
- MapOptions
- the map configuration
- PointOfInterest
- the presentation of point of interest (POI)
- Step
- Tag
- the map's tag presentation
- Translations
- UseTags
- a map's property gathers information about map tags
- VisualDebuggerConfig
- WemapMap
- The WemapMap widget, to display the map
- CameraMode
- Direction
- Environment
- which environment for WemapMap, either Development or Production
- Incline
- LevelChangeType
- LocationSource
- ScanReason
- VPSState
- OnActiveLevelChangedCallback = void Function(Building, Level)
- OnArrivedAtDestinationCallback = void Function()
- OnARViewVisibilityChangedCallback = void Function(bool isVisbile)
- OnBuildingFocusChangedCallback = void Function(Building?)
- OnCameraTrackingChangedCallback = void Function(CameraMode cameraMode)
- OnItineraryAddedCallback = void Function(Itinerary)
- OnItineraryFailedCallback = void Function(String error)
- OnItineraryRemovedCallback = void Function()
- OnMapClickCallBack = void Function()
- OnMapReadyCallback = void Function(MapData, MapManager)
- OnPointOfInterestSelectedCallback = void Function(PointOfInterest)
- OnPointOfInterestUnselectedCallback = void Function(PointOfInterest)
- OnScanReasonChangedCallback = void Function(ScanReason scanReason)
- OnStartedVpsProcessCallback = void Function()
- OnStateChangedCallback = void Function(VPSState state)
- OnStoppingVpsProcessCallback = void Function()
- OnVPSBadConnectionCallback = void Function()
- OnVPSNoConnectionCallback = void Function()