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Type: public class

A class that defines a pinpoint

Pinpoint(int id, @NonNull String name, @NonNull Coordinates coordinates)

Type: public

Create a Wemap Pinpoint

Parameter NameTypeDescription
idintthe pinpoint id
name@NonNullthe pinpoint name
coordinates@NonNullthe pinpoint coordinates

Pinpoint(int id, @NonNull String name, @NonNull Coordinates coordinates, @Nullable String description, @Nullable String imageUrl, @Nullable String linkUrl, @Nullable String [] tags)

Type: public

Create a Wemap Pinpoint

Parameter NameTypeDescription
idintthe pinpoint id
name@NonNullthe pinpoint name
coordinates@NonNullthe pinpoint coordinates
description@Nullablethe pinpoint description
imageUrl@Nullablethe pinpoint image url
linkUrl@Nullablethe pinpoint link url
tags@Nullablethe pinpoint tags

Pinpoint(int id, @NonNull String name, @NonNull Coordinates coordinates, @Nullable String description, @Nullable String imageUrl, @Nullable String linkUrl, @Nullable String [] tags, @Nullable JSONObject externalData)

Type: public

Create a Wemap Pinpoint

Parameter NameTypeDescription
idintthe pinpoint id
name@NonNullthe pinpoint name
coordinates@NonNullthe pinpoint coordinates
description@Nullablethe pinpoint description
imageUrl@Nullablethe pinpoint image url
linkUrl@Nullablethe pinpoint link url
tags@Nullablethe pinpoint tags
externalData@Nullablethe pinpoint externalData


Type: public int

Get the pinpoint id.

Returned Value: the id


Type: @NonNull public [String](

Get the pinpoint name.

Returned Value: the name


Type: @NonNull public [Coordinates](/docs/android/Model/Coordinates)

Get the pinpoint coordinates.

Returned Value: the coordinates


Type: @Nullable public [String](

Get the pinpoint address.

Returned Value: the address


Type: @Nullable public [String](

Get the pinpoint description.

Returned Value: the description


Type: @Nullable public [String](

Get image url

Returned Value: the image url


Type: @Nullable public [String](

Get link url

Returned Value: the link url


Type: @NonNull public

Get the tags

Returned Value: the pinpoint tags


Type: @NonNull public JSONObject

Get the external data.

Returned Value: the external data.


Type: @Nullable public JSONObject

Get the geo entity shape

Returned Value: the geo entity shape