MapManager class

The MapManager gives the ability to control and to interact with the map

the instance of this manager can only be accessible when the map is ready by the onMapReady event


Widget build(BuildContext context) {
 return MaterialApp(
    scaffoldMessengerKey: scaffoldKey,
    home: Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text("Wemap Sample"),
      body: WemapMap(
        options: MapOptions(
              mapID: 12345,
              token: "",
              environment: Environment.PROD),
        onMapReady: (
          MapData mapData,
          MapManager mapManager) {
        // what ever to do with MapManager manager and data, the map is ready


MapManager(MethodChannel _channel)


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


activateLevel(Level level) Future<void>
switch the focus to the specified level
addItinerary(Coordinate origin, Coordinate destination, {bool avoidElevators = false, bool avoidEscalators = false, bool avoidStairs = false, Color? color}) Future<void>
add itinerary from an origin coordinate to a specified destination
addItineraryFromMapCenter(Coordinate coordinate, {bool avoidElevators = false, bool avoidEscalators = false, bool avoidStairs = false, Color? color}) Future<void>
add itinerary from map center to the specified destination
addItineraryFromUserLocation(Coordinate coordinate, {bool avoidElevators = false, bool avoidEscalators = false, bool avoidStairs = false, Color? color}) Future<void>
add itinerary from user location to the specified destination
convertVPSImagesToGrayScale(bool convert) Future<void>
Convert VPS images to grayscale
disablePOISelection() Future<void>
disable POIs selection
dismissARView() Future<void>
dismiss AR view
enablePOISelection() Future<void>
enable POIs selection
enableTrackingMode() Future<void>
enable user tracking mode
enableUseJPGImageForVPS(bool enable) Future<void>
enable or disable the use of JPG Images for VPS
filterByTag(String tag) Future<void>
filter a Point Of Interest by its tag
getLocale() Locale
Get the WemapMap widget current locale
getPOIs() Future<List<PointOfInterest>>
retrieve available Points Of Interest
getUserLocation() Future<Coordinate?>
get user location coordinates
getZoom() Future<double>
retrieve the current map's zoom
hideAllPOIs() Future<void>
hide all Points Of Interest
hidePOIById(int id) Future<void>
hide a Point Of Interest by its id
launchARView() Future<void>
launch AR view
locateMe() Future<void>
locate the user and add annotation
moveCamera({required double latitude, required double longitude, double zoom = 18.0, double left = 0.0, double top = 0.0, double right = 0.0, double bottom = 0.0}) Future<void>
move the camera with the given options
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeFilters() Future<void>
remove all filters
removeItinerary() Future<void>
remove the current itinerary
restoreCamera() Future<void>
restore the camera position to the previous state
selectPOIById(int id) Future<void>
select a Point Of Interest by its id
setConveyingDetectorDuration(int duration) Future<void>
Set conveying detector duration in seconds
setElevatorBufferRadius(double radius) Future<void>
Set elevator buffer width in meters
setJPGCompressionQuality(int quality) Future<void>
set JPG image compression quality
setLinearConveyingBufferOffset(double offset) Future<void>
Set linear conveying buffers width in meters
setLocale(Locale locale) Future<void>
Set the WemapMap widget locale
showAllPOIs() Future<void>
show all Points Of Interest
showPOIById(int id) Future<void>
show a Point Of Interest by its id
startNavigationFromUserLocation({required Coordinate destination}) Future<void>
start the navigation from user location to the given coordinates
startNavigationWithCurrentItinerary({Color? color}) Future<void>
start the navigation using the current added itinerary
startVPS() Future<void>
start the VPS scanning to retrieve user position
stopNavigation() Future<void>
stop the current navigation
stopVPS() Future<void>
stop the VPS scanning
storeCamera() Future<void>
store the camera position and state
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unselectPOIById(int id) Future<void>
unselect a Point Of Interest by its id


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.